<% // Reviewed by MM 19/11/07 // Reviewed by MJM 19/11/07 %> <%@page import="com.tridion.dcp.*, com.tridion.util.TCMURI" %> Gallery Display <% // Create TCMURI object using passed Component URI. TCMURI compURI = new TCMURI(request.getParameter("compURI")); // Create the ComponentPresentationFactory object for the context Publication of the Component. ComponentPresentationFactory cpf = new ComponentPresentationFactory(compURI.getPublicationId()); // Get the presentation of the Component with the lowest priority. ComponentPresentation cp = cpf.getComponentPresentationWithLowestPriority(compURI.getItemId()); // Output the presentation content. out.print(cp.getContent()); %>