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Sanctions for academic misconduct

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Mitigating factors for consideration in assessing a case

Each of the points below may have an impact on the case outcomes and should be used by the panel to assess severity of the case.

a) Whether the student has committed academic misconduct before;.
b) How far the student is into their academic journey;
c) What is the impact of the academic misconduct on the mark awarded;
d) Whether the academic misconduct is widespread across a range of modules;
e) Whether the student has admitted the offence in the first instance;
f) Whether there is evidence that the student committed academic misconduct on purpose;
g) Whether the student had personal circumstances which affected their decision making at the time.

Example: A student who has started recently, has committed no previous offences and found on one module not to have accurately reflected content in their referencing is likely to be a minor case compared to a student in their 2 or 3 year of study.

Table of sanctions

Instance Range of sanctions which can be applied
Minor instance

Normally a first offence and limited to a single module.

Failure of the assessment. You will be reassessed, should an opportunity exist.


Failure of the module concerned with a right to be reassessed should an opportunity exist.

Major instance

Normally a second offence or an offence which is widespread across multiple modules.

Failure of the module concerned with a right to be reassessed should an opportunity exist.


Failure of the level. All of the marks will be wiped clean and you will re-start the level at the next opportunity.

Serious instance

Normally a second or third offence or any instance of contract cheating/impersonation.

Failure of the award and/or termination of your studies at the University. Your ability to reapply and enrol again at the university may also be restricted, normally for two whole academic years.

The Dean of School will be informed of the Panel’s decision prior to confirmation by the Vice Chancellor.