About this project
The Teaching Innovation and Learning Enhancement (TILE) Hub sits directly under SCoLPP providing learning enhancement activities in pedagogy, digital innovation, training, and development. We work across the university with staff and students.
Our Mission
Design a value-based future for digital education that will enable efficient access to systems, connect people and deliver transformational capabilities for students through greater collaboration, use of digital tools and co-creation of effective pedagogical approaches.
The TILE Hub is developing an academic community of practice and provides interdisciplinary collaboration between departments and work to develop collision pedagogy and synergies to push digital learning and teaching forward. TILE Hub has 4 primary objectives:
- Delivery of Digital Pedagogical Training
- Delivery and Development of Catalyst Pedagogical Training
- Staff Digital Diagnostic and Development
- Student Digital Diagnostic and Development
We have developed and are leading on Digital Activation Days for staff and students, a monthly event that aims at upskilling and creating awareness around digital technology, digital capability and digital development.
Working closely with SCoLPP experts and the educational community as a whole, we will be providing sessions in pedagogical innovation and digital innovation. These events run monthly through our TILE Webinar Series, which is open for anyone to join.
The Digital Diagnostic Toolkit (JISC) has also been launched at Staffordshire University. Students and staff can take part in the diagnostic which will give them an individualised breakdown of their digital capability. It maps onto LinkedIn Learning, so students and staff are able to develop their digital capability for learning, teaching and employment opportunities.
TILE Hub is working in partnership with the Students Union. Currently we are collaborating with the Student Union in several projects including a review and trial of a new lecture capture system and lecture capture policy, a new mandate for our VLE to ensure consistency and minimum requirements are in every module across the university.