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Room booking guidelines

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The following principles ensure that the shared University spaces are booked and managed effectively and legitimately by staff and students using the self-service room booking system Resource Booker.

  1. Resource Booker can be used for bookings that fall outside of the scope of normal teaching. All teaching sessions must be requested through the Timetable Change Request process to ensure they appear on student timetables in Beacon.
  2. Bookings may be monitored to ensure space is effectively and appropriately used. In some instances, this may require more information about bookings being requested.
  3. To support Timetabling staff to colleagues to be clear what the booking is for, booking requests should be made with the appropriate lead time for the activity and need to include sufficient information regarding the activity type (e.g., description, total number of participants, etc).
  4. Bookings should not be made for the purpose of ‘reserving spaces’. Such overbooking prevents spaces from being utilised fairly and equally across the University.
  5. In the event of unexpected circumstances requiring emergency maintenance to the space or its equipment, bookings may need to be rearranged or in some cases cancelled. Where this is the case, the Timetabling team will notify the person who made the booking as soon as practically possible to discuss suitable alternatives.
  6. Student Clubs and Society bookings must be directed to Student Union Engagement Manager, not through Resource Booker.
  7. If a specific space is desirable but is not listed on Resource Booker as being available, or if you wish to enquire as to the suitability of a space before booking it, please check the room prioritisation on Resource Booker by clicking the information icon, or emailing enquiries to
  8. If you require special Audio/Visual (AV) provision to be present either at the start, or for the duration of your booking, please raise a request or enquiry with the Digital Services Solve Portal. If you require a technician to be present, please raise a separate request throgh the Solve Portal.
  9. If a change to the default space configuration is required, a request needs to be raised via Solve. The Porters need to be informed of the required new layout, ensuring a request is also included to return the space to its default layout. Please note, the porters will require 5 working days’ notice to carry out this job on your behalf. All bookings must comply with the University’s Events Policy and Freedom of Speech Code of Practice as well as adhering to Prevent duties, health and safety and the Equalities Act 2010. For more information, please refer to: Prevent Policy and the Students’ Union website.
  10. If you are booking a space and may invite external speaker(s) or external group(s) onto campus, you must consider your responsibility regarding the security of our university. You must complete the External Speaker Form (External Speaker Form) in every instance where you invite an external speaker(s) or group(s) to an event. Please ensure you keep a record of the external bookings you make throughout the year.
  11. Bookings on behalf of external individuals or organisations, whether or not they are charged for attending, must be directed to
  12. The following guidelines apply to student bookings;
    • Bookings can be made no more than 2 weeks in advance
    • Bookings are for a period of no more than 2 hours
    • Two bookings per week can be made.
  13. To ensure that we are using space safely and effectively, audits will be undertaken regularly, to ensure that:
    • The booked space was used for the duration of the booking
    • The booking started and ended on time
    • Room capacity is not exceeded
    • The booking was for the purpose described in the request
    • External participants were not present (unless already authorised)
  14. Before the event - the person that made the booking is responsible for:
    • Managing a safe environment and undertaking any necessary risk assessments.
    • Ensuring that all Health & Safety signage instructions are always observed.
    • Ensuring that only authorised persons use the booked space.
    • Ensuring the space is only used for the purpose for which it is booked.
    • Ensuring that all users of the space are aware and familiar of the Fire Evacuation Procedures so that they know what action to take, for instance when an alarm goes off.
  15. During and after the event - the person that made the booking is responsible for:
    • Ensuring that furniture and equipment is placed back in its original layout after the event.
    • Noise levels, noting these must be always kept to an appropriate and considerate level. The experience of users of adjacent spaces should be taken into consideration.
    • The space must be left clean, hygienic, free of rubbish and personal belongings and in a suitable condition for the next activity.
    • To allow for an effective and courteous changeover, users are asked to vacate the space 5 minutes prior to the end of the booking Bags, cases, and coats must be stored properly without blocking corridors or other fire escapes, and without creating trip hazards or obstructions of any kind.
    • Music or amplified sound should be sensitive to other users and residents of the campus. This is particularly important during examination periods.
    • Any accident should be reported in-line with university procedures. If a First Aider is not immediately available, the Security Team, who are qualified First Aiders, must be notified via the Campus Life Helpdesk (3600).
    • Eating and/or drinking (except for bottled water) is not allowed in any of the bookable spaces on campus, except for catered events or where local signage permits this.
    • Furniture and equipment must not be moved between spaces.
    • No equipment may be installed in any of the spaces.
    • Smoking and vaping are not allowed in any buildings.
  16. Bookings can be cancelled or changed at any time using Resource Booker. If you require any support or guidance, please email quoting the booking reference.