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Diagnostic assessments

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As a student at Staffordshire University, you may be able to access a diagnostic assessment for specific learning disabilities (SpLD) e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or a SpLD with attention difficulties.  We are unable to assess for Autism.

A diagnostic assessment will:

  • Find out if you have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or a SpLD with attention difficulties.
  • Identify reasonable adjustments that could be made to your course, for example extra time in exams.
  • Help you access appropriate support, for example one-to-one specialist study skills tuition and/or assistive technology.

A diagnostic assessment does not guarantee a positive diagnosis for a specific learning difficulty even if there are strong indicators from a previous SpLD screening or report.

Please note that we do not offer medical assessments for ADHD, we can only provide educational assessments of SpLDs which will result in adjustments and support on your course. You should seek advice from your doctor to find out about medical assessments for ADHD.

Where will the assessment take place?

Most diagnostic assessments are arranged in two parts.  The first part takes place online and the second part will take place on campus. You need to attend both parts of the assessment.  Assessments need to take place under exam conditions, so please follow the instructions from the Assessor carefully.  It may be possible to arrange a full online assessment – contact us to discuss options.

How are assessments funded?

If you are studying on a course delivered by Staffordshire University, and are eligible for an assessment,  the cost of the diagnostic assessment is covered by the Student Success Fund. The cost is covered whether the assessment indicates SpLD or not. Assessments must be completed by our agreed provider in order for any reimbursement to be made.  We are unable to refund any costs associated with assessments from alternative providers. 

If you are studying at a partnership college then you should discuss referral and payment of the diagnostic assessment with the support team at your college. If you are an international student, contact us for advice.

If you are in the process of applying to study at Staffordshire University, we may be able to help you to arrange an assessment on the basis that you take up a place at Staffordshire University. (If you do not, then we would invoice you for the cost of the assessment.)  Please note that if you are applying to study with a partnership college, you will need to contact the college to discuss support. 

What do I need to do?

Complete our enquiry form with full details of your circumstances.   Please note that if you have already been assessed, you may not need a new diagnostic assessment.  Also, you may not need to have a full assessment - this is dependent on your circumstances and the course you are studying.  You will be sent further information and a  Diagnostic Referral Form to complete, or you may be offered further advice from one of our Inclusion Advisors. 

If you are referred for an assessment, you will need to make sure that you have had an eyesight test (within 2 years) before the assessment.   The eyesight test is to determine if there are any visual difficulties, as if these are not picked up before the assessment, it may result in an inconclusive outcome.

If you have not had an eyesight test within the last 2 years, arrange this with an Optician of your choice as you will need to forward a copy of the outcome of the eyesight test.

After you have completed our Diagnostic Referral Form and returned it to us with a copy of your eyesight test you should expect to hear from an Assessor within 4 weeks.

Diagnostic Assessment Process

Please note that Diagnostic Assessments take place under exam conditions




Complete our Enquiry Form

Answer simple questions to help us guide you through the correct route for your assessment

Enquiry form



Enquiry received

You will be provided with information on the next stage of the process which is dependent on your student status and circumstances




Complete the Diagnostic Referral Form

Return to Student Inclusion with your latest eye test from within the past two years.




Referral to Assessor

Assessor contacts you to book an assessment. Assessments are currently blended (50% online and 50% face-to-face) or completely online.




Receive Report

Check what you need to do next - arrange an appointment with an Inclusion Advisor for adjustments and assistance with funding applications.

Next steps

Please complete our enquiry form with full details of your circumstances. We will endeavour to respond within 5 working days.

If you are studying at or applying to a partnership college, the college is responsible for the support – please contact your college for advice and guidance.