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Reporting a safeguarding concern

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If you are a student and want to report a safeguarding concern either relating to yourself or a fellow student, please discuss this with either the Lead Safeguarding Officer or their Deputy – you can find their contact details here

Reporting a student or other person

Child abuse

All University members must be alert to the possibility that the children/ young people they are working with may have been, or may be, at risk of being abused. All complaints/allegations of such abuse must be taken seriously and dealt with in accordance with the University’s procedures.

Where a detailed departmental procedure is in place, you should follow the specific guidance it provides. However, should there be any doubt regarding a departmental procedure or if no departmental policy exists, the guidance below should be followed.

If you have a suspicion or receive a disclosure that a child or young person is being abused, you should seek the advice and assistance of the Lead Safeguarding Officer, setting out the basis of the suspicion as clearly as possible. This should be done immediately without awaiting confirmation of concerns.

Following this discussion you will be asked to complete a safeguarding Risk Assessment Form.


If you are concerned that a peer or colleague is being radicalised, you should discuss these concerns with the individual directly if possible. If you are a student and you do not wish to do this you should raise the concern with a member of staff in your department. Members of staff should inform the Head of Department and/or seek advice from the Lead Safeguarding Officer.

If you do speak with the individual, the conversation should be held in an open and non-confrontational manner stating the reasons that you are concerned about the other person becoming radicalised.

If following this conversation you remain concerned that the individual is becoming radicalised, you should inform the Lead Safeguarding Officer (or, in their absence, their deputy).  The Lead Safeguarding Officer will then discuss an appropriate course of action with you.

You should not make referrals to Channel intervention or other authorities yourself.