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Reasonable Adjustments

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Reasonable adjustments are the steps we can take to make sure that you are not put at a disadvantage because of a disability or additional need compared to students on the same course that do not have a disability or additional need.

Student Inclusion Recommendations (SIR)

Student Inclusion Recommendations (or SIR) will be outlined in a document that details reasonable adjustments and recommendations that will reduce barriers that you may face because of a disability, additional need or other barriers that affect your studies.

Examples of reasonable adjustments and recommendations:

  • An agreed amount of extra time in examinations
  • Provision of separate or private rooms for examinations – students will either be in a room with students with similar adjustments or in a room on their own
  • Reader in examinations. This will need to be arranged well in advance
  • Use of a PC in an exam with work being saved onto a USB device
  • British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter 
  • Alternative formats

These are examples – the adjustments included on your SIR will depend on your individual needs.

How to apply for Student Inclusion Recommendations

Book an appointment or attend a drop-in appointment with a Student Inclusion Advisor. You will need to provide evidence to support your reasonable adjustments.

What evidence is required?

Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia.

A diagnostic report from an educational psychologist or specialist teacher.

Long-term health condition, mobility or sensory impairment.

Medical letter or DSA Medical Evidence Form from your GP, consultant or specialist nurse.

Mental health condition.

Medical letter from your GP, specialist consultant, mental health nurse, or treatment practitioner.

Short term condition or injury

Medical letter from your GP, specialist consultant, mental health nurse, or treatment practitioner.

ADHD or Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)

A diagnostic report from an Educational Psychologist or specialist consultant. 

Process of agreeing Student Inclusion Recommendations:

  1. An Advisor will draft the SIR on an electronic system.
  2. A message is sent to the students’ e:vision portal to be checked by the student.
  3. If the student is happy with the reasonable adjustments made, they can approve the recommendations.
  4. Once approved, the student and staff can view and download a copy. 

Student Guidance for Exam Adjustments

If you have reasonable adjustments in place for exams, the table can be used as a guide to what these adjustments mean for you on your exam day.

If you are on an apprentice or health course (e.g., Paramedic Science) or your exams take place outside of the normal exam period, your exam adjustments will not be organised by the Awards and Assessment Team. You should contact your module tutor to arrange for your exam adjustments to be put in place.

Additional time in an exam


If you have been allocated additional time, this will be added to your exam time.

Extra time will not be given if a student decides to do their exam in the large hall as it will not be possible to monitor.

E.g. Length of exam: 1 hour

Additional time: 0.15 per hour or 25%

Total exam time: 1hr 15 minutes

Separate (smaller) room

This will be a smaller room with a small number of students. This is usually instead of being in the hall or a large room. This is also used to give extra time as this cannot be monitored in a large hall.

Private room

No other students will be in the room with you. This is usually used to accommodate a reader and/or scribe to support your exam. An invigilator will be present to monitor time and the exam rules.

Prompt sheet

Allowed one side of A4 with key phrases and words, unless stated differently in the SIR. Diagrams, equations, and sentences are not allowed. Key words and phrases could be words that you struggle to remember. You need to have this agreed and signed off by the module tutor. This needs to be sent to the Assessment and Awards Team by the tutor. A scan attached to an email is acceptable. This will then be added to the student’s individual exam pack.

Exam support, e.g. reader and scribe

Support workers for exams are arranged by the Student Inclusion Team. Please email at least 6 weeks before your exam date to ensure this is included in your SIR.

Rest breaks

5 minutes per hour will be given in addition to the exam time already allocated.

E.g. 1 hr exam plus 25% extra time (1hr 15 mins). 1:15 hr + 5 minutes rest break.

Food and drink

Food and drink may be permitted for students with medical conditions, e.g. for diabetes- a sugary snack may be permitted. The invigilator may check food and drink. Please place food and drink on the table, in view of the invigilator. Please consider other students if not in a private room, so as not to distract others from their exam, e.g. avoid crisps and noisy packaging. Nuts are not allowed as there may be a risk to others.

Changing screen colour/ coloured overlays or a specific font and/ or format recommendation

Students may be allowed to change the colour of their screen on a PC as permitted by their SIR. Inform the exam team of the coloured paper. Exams are always printed on pale blue paper.

For more information about your SIR and reasonable adjustments contact the Student Inclusion Team by emailing  so that we can provide advice based on your specific needs.