Our policies and processes on slavery and human trafficking
We have embedded our commitment to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act within our Sustainable Procurement Policy. This policy provides guidance on how we deliver all our procurement activity.
We have embedded consideration of the Modern Slavery Act in our procurement process from the Standard Selection Questionnaire and Invitation to Tender documents through to contract management. We request Modern Slavery statements for organisations over the £36 million threshold. For expenditure in high-risk categories, we ask how the company addresses compliance to the Modern Slavery Act as well as supplementary questions to ensure compliance.
We have embedded our commitment to all members of staff within University Policies that include Equality, Diversity, Health and Wellbeing and Bullying and Harassment.
Supplier adherence to our values
We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. Any supplier or potential supplier who does not adhere to these values or is found not to be compliant will be suspended and removed from the University supplier list and will not be considered for future supply unless and until they are able to demonstrate full compliance with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.
Supplier engagement
In 2019 we launched a supplier development toolkit to support our suppliers on a range of sustainability issues, including Modern Slavery. The following details have been drawn from the tool and will be used to support and shape supplier development on Modern Slavery.
- All suppliers have received a free sustainability action planning tool
- All suppliers are asked to commit to actions on Modern Slavery and the take-up on these actions is monitored
- We review the evidence provided by suppliers on their Modern Slavery actions and commitments
Analysis of the 418 suppliers registered to the toolkit as suppliers to Staffordshire University:
- 99% are aware of Modern Slavery
- 78% have made a public commitment to act against Modern Slavery
- 26% considered Modern Slavery an issue they need to address
Further analysis of those of our suppliers who have committed to action on Modern Slavery shows:
Develop a robust approach to removing Modern Slavery from their supply chains:
- Completed 33%
- In progress 40%
- Not started 25%
Provide Modern Slavery training for Staff:
- All staff receive training on annual basis 30%
- All staff receive training 30%
- All key staff receive training 22.5%
- No training provided 17.5%
Modern slavery risk analysis:
- Yes carried out 53%
- No but have plans to carry out analysis 24%
- No 6%
- Do not have significant supply chain 17%
We shall continue to increase awareness and support our suppliers to actively respond to the challenges of Modern Slavery.