I am a Senior Lecturer and researcher with a background in various public and private sector leadership positions.
I began by work career by training as a nurse in Cheshire, and once qualified, and after having worked in the NHS in several wards, I joined the Prison Service (HMP). The recruitment and selection process for HMP in the 1980's was tough, and after various psychometric tests and numerous challenging physical and mental tests, I was appointed as a Hospital Prison Officer and one of the first women ever to hold this title and then to work in a male prison. My role as a Hospital Officer included: Suicide Prevention, hostage negotiation, mental and emotional health and wellbeing support and all physical health support. After several years spent working across the UK in different prison establishments, I left the prison service to work in further education and became a Curriculum lead at Norwich City College. I retained many links with the Prison Service and wrote several Hospital Officer training programmes delivered by the college but in partnership with HMP service. I was studying for degrees at the same time and successfully obtained a BSc (Hons) and Masters Degree in Education Management. I subsequently returned to working as a nurse and after various roles in NHS hospitals I was appointed Matron/Manager of a large nursing establishment in Norfolk. Whilst here I worked closely with Local Authorities and Commissions in developing training programmes for health workers, specialising in mental health.
I was invited to carry out Guest Lectures at the University of East Anglia and from there became interested in higher education. After several years in Norfolk, I applied for and secured the post of Outreach Centre Manger for Edge Hill University, a Principal Lecturer role with management responsibility for the university outreach centres in Cheshire and Shropshire.
I have experience of teaching undergraduate and post graduate students across a range of professional studies and skills programmes and in Leadership and Management. I also have experience of delivering apprenticeships at levels 5, 6 and 7 across the education and business sector.
I have 15 years' experience of supervising Master's and PhD and Ed Doc students.
My own Doctorate is a Doctorate in Education. I obtained the Ed D in 2014 my particular area of interest was the influence of power and control over workers' professional development.
Professional memberships and activities
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute
Academic qualifications
- Doctorate in Education: Keele University
- Master of Science in Educational Management: Anglia University
- Bachelor of Science (Hons): Anglia University
- Certificate in Education: Anglia University
- HM Prison Hospital Officer
- Registered General Nurse
- Leadership
- Management
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- Custodial Care
- Suicide Prevention
- Military resettlement
Research interests
- UK Military resettlement
- Leading and Managing change
- Apprenticeships
Enterprise and commercial interests
I have worked with several corporate management programmes and provided leadership and management advice and tutoring to various agencies.
I have worked with several Chambers of Commerce in supporting the development of training programmes. Most recently, I have provided leadership content and delivery for the Staffordshire Business Festival 2021.
- Level 4 apprenticeship in Operations Department Management
- Level 5/6 apprenticeship in Chartered Managers Degree Apprenticeship
- Level 7 Senior Leaders Degree Apprenticeship
- Corporate leadership and management courses.
Castle, K. (2009) Managing Change in Walton, A. and Goddard, G.[eds] (2009) Supporting Every Child. Exeter. Learning Matters.
Castle, K. (2010) Study skills for your Masters in Teaching and Learning. Exeter. Learning Matters.
Castle, K. (2011) Power and status theories in Teachers` professional development. In Adams, J., Cochrane, M. and Dunne, L. [eds] (2011) Applying Theory to Educational Research. London. Wiley-Blackwell
Castle, K., Pieser, G. and Smith, L. (2012) Teacher development through the Masters in Teaching and Learning: a lost opportunity. in the journal of education for training Autumn 2012.
Castle,K., Pieser,G. and Smith,L. (2014) Teacher development through the Masters in Teaching and Learning: A lost opportunity. In La Velle, L. [ED] Masterliness in the Teaching profession. London..
Castle, K. Pieser,G. and Smith, L. (2015) The MTL; a missed opportunity? Conference paper: TEAN annual conference. Aston University Birmingham. May 2015
Castle,K. And Goddard G. (2018) Managing Change in Walton and Goddard [EDS] Every Child Matters 2nd edition. London. Sage.
Castle, K. and Kelly, R. (2021) Signposts for Civvy Street. UK Book publishing.